Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Yoga Headstand

Doing a yoga headstand can be one of the best things you do for your body. You will feel help decongest your internal organs, improve posture, increase circulation, elongate your spine and so much more. An unassisted headstand can be unsafe if performed incorrectly as you can strain your neck, this is where the Bodylift Yoga headstand stool by Evolution health comes in. This stool will help you perform a yoga headstand safely and easily. Anyone can do it. The best way to start is by using it against the wall, this way you can have the support of the wall as you start to build up your abdominal and spinal muscles. Martha Stewart loves the Bodylift yoga headstand and has featured it on her show.

Martha Stewart using the Bodylift yoga headstand on the Martha Stewart show.

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