Living with peripheral neuropathy can be frustrating and painful and affects the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy can be a result of diabetes, nerve impingement, surgery, alcoholism, or it can be hereditary. Symptoms include numbness, pins and needle pain, unable to differentiate between hot and cold, drop foot, and balance problems.
There are many useful tools for people living with peripheral neuropathy. The rebuilder Medical 2400 is an effective way to wake up your nerves and treat numbness and foot pain. Continued use of the Rebuilder Medical 2400 will help stimulate and strengthen you peripheral neural pathways.When using the rebuilder medical, nourish your nervous system with with methylcobalamin, the methyl form of B12, which has been shown to regenerate the peripheral nervous system.
The rebuilder medical 2400 is very easy to use. You can use it with a foot bath or with conductive socks. You will feel a slight tingling sensation as the unit sends signals to your nerves. Treatment last 30 minutes and depending on the severity of the neuropathy can be used everyday. You will start to feel results within a few weeks if you are diligent with treatment. Numbness can take several months for improvement. Results can vary depending on the severity of the neuropathy, but most users see significant treatment after 3 to 6 months of use.
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